The 5 Best Law Companies in Gulshan Model Town (Gulshan)
1 - Barrister Tahmidur Rahman Remura - Gulshan
House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS, Gulshan Model Town. Gulshan. Dhaka.
Barrister Tahmidur Rahman is an IEB (The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh) accredited Engineer and a QLD(Qualifying Law Degree) holder, who simultaneously pursued and acquired…
2 - Business Solution in Bangladesh - Gulshan
Gulshan- 1, Gulshan Model Town. Gulshan. Dhaka.
We both need to be a step ahead of others. gives you the flexibility and power you need to be at the top. Let us help you optimize business processes for maximum…
3 - Legal Firm in Bangladesh - Gulshan
Premier FM Heights, 1st Floor, House# 88 Block-D, Niketon, Gulshan Model Town. Gulshan. Dhaka. A Full Service Law Firm In Bangladesh. Our experiences comprise within and outside the jurisdiction of Bangladesh due to the diversified origin of our clientele.…
4 - American center for international labour solidarity (acils) - Gulshan
House #48, Road #28, Gulshan Model Town. Gulshan. Dhaka.
Our company's activities are ngo and charitable organizations. In Bangladesh, promote constructive and peaceful labor-management relations, the Solidarity Center aims to advance…
5 - Showkat & associate - Gulshan
Room # 19 (2nd Floor), 16/3, Court House Street, Dhaka-1100. , Showkat & Associate, B-225 (2nd Floor), Gulshan Shopping Center, Gulshan-1, Gulshan Model Town. Gulshan. Dhaka.
You can get your legal decision. Your Confident Law Firm.